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Supplying the UK restaurant scene

Delitalia makes it easier to bring the flavours and tastes of Italy’s twenty regions here by fast track delivery system

Innovators of Italian Cuisine Since 2004

Delitalia makes it easier to bring the flavours and tastes of Italy’s twenty regions here by fast track delivery system

The Concept

Initially the comprehensive multi temperature offering is at 5,500 quality products for next day delivery and through DAC the ability to source a further 12,000 products, on a pre-order basis, for delivery the following week. In a few words ‘Delitalia can supply everything available in Italy to run your restaurant’, thus creating the true flavours and passion involved in traditional and modern Italian Cuisine.

The Range

The Arco, Arcoro, Arcogel and Veritas range of products feature heavily in the product guide – these are the specialist own brand range of Delitalia and DAC.

“They represent the largest single private label of Italian high quality products in the UK.”


The Service

Delitalia operate a five day delivery schedule in a large fleet of dedicated Multi Temperature vehicles covering an area from the south coast of England to Inverness in Scotland. Delitalia also supply a network of Italian distributors nationally so you can always be assured that the range of specialist Italian products are available to you wherever you may be in the UK. Please contact our Sales office to enquire which days we can service your business.

Trused by thousands of customers, find out why…

Contact our sales office for more information and which days we can service your business.

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