Hunter S Thompsons daily routine was a drug interlaced merry go round of glasses of Chivas regal, chartreuse, cigarettes, pornographic movies and fettuccine Alfredo. Yet, the man would condemn me for drinking what he supposed as “bad beer” The author and heavy drug...
Maletti: A True Positive In A World Gone Mad.
Maletti Products Now Available In Pre Sliced Packs for Home Delivery Over the last 8 weeks of lockdown, Ive been constantly reciting a litany of positives that have come about through our national incarceration. There are obvious things that leap to mind; Watching my...
Joe Hurds ‘Wish list’ for a perfect Christmas…
Joe Hurds Christmas Wish List: I can remember the last Christmas list I wrote. I was probably about 10 and ambitiously penned the demands on Christmas Eve before popping it into the fire place with all that magical innocence, and faithful expectancy children invest...
Novello – San Martino ogni mosto diventa vino…
No light falls on the flagstone outside the little trattoria, or osteria, or restaurant or whatever the owner is currently referring to it as this week. The usually damp-flannel grey of the pavement, idly tanned by a rusty, brassy toffee-like attempt at...
Motor City and Mort… followed by Picci
Italian Americans are responsible for all manner of minor, cross-cultural disgraces; Spaghetti and meatballs, chicken parmigaaan and most of the cast of Jersey Shore. However their early experiences in the new world and its seemingly never ending supply of...
Cavatelli ‘a mano’ with Molino Quaglia
and all that summer veg.. I have to hand it to myself, I am really rather cool. I realised this the night I spent counting all the times Pellegrino Artusi included butter in a recipe. I realised that I was at a Fonzie (US Cult TV character, not Nik Nak...
Tuna, tuna, tuna.
I am 4, sitting at a long pine table the colour of petrified tree sap. There are ’s kids everywhere in a dazzling array of technicolour nylon armour, dungarees, vest tops, water paint stained jeans and socks that slip down the ankle to give the impression...
A Caponata for all seasons
Caponata , aptly nicknamed “A Hungry Mans Dream”, is quite possibly one of the best meals you can make if you are a body toning nut job who doesn’t want to compromise on the flavour and morale that is usually associated with “Health” food. Its very simply...
So how does an Irish Catholic, a lover of Italy, Italian wine and Italian food, who is a solicitor representing most of the Italian community of Chesterfield become known as "Consigliere " !! Trust me I am honest and have never personally had anyone...
Mais Corvino, from 40 seeds to 1.3m plants.
Entrepreneur and passionate farmer Carlo Maria Recchia - born in 1993 - is a very young entrepreneur who built his fortune from an ancient passion, love for the land and for agriculture, which led him to be the first and only producer and...